Helping people change the way they see themselves and what’s possible for them so that they can reach their full and brilliant potential, is my absolute favourite thing to do.
Using powerful tools like transformative coaching, identity shifting, neuroplasticity, dynamic strategy and energetic principles, not only can we move seemingly immovable mountains, reconstruct reality and do things other people say cannot be done, but together we can build in you the kind of fierce mental and emotional resilence and unshakeable belief which will …
make you unstoppable.
Everything I know, I’ve learned from these 3 life changing experiences.
Doing really hard things.
Rising up from rock bottom (many times over).
Believing in myself no matter what.

I discovered this firsthand, when serious illness rendered me bed bound within the four walls of an empty, allergy free room.
After doctors told me there was no hope and every obstacle tried to derail me, I made a decision. One which would ultimately shift my perspective forever.
If I was going to endure that incredibly difficult situation, I would not only survive it, I would somehow be better, wiser and stronger because of it.
Before long, my life became a news story and my face appeared on Google searches around the world.
Subsequently, I was contacted by people everywhere who were facing some particularly difficult challenges of their own.
They saw themselves in my eyes and drew strength from my strength. They bravely declared to me, that even if the odds were against them, they were going to believe in themselves too.
This life altering experience has taught me many valuable lessons, namely … how to grow through tremendous adversity. How to navigate tumultuous, uncharted waters. How to transmute any unfair circumstances into uncompromising mental fortitude and not only how to defy the odds in the most spectacular way, but do seemingly impossible things which other people said could not be done.
There’s no doubt in my mind, that we’re all more capable than we realise and the inner resources available to us are unprecedented and unrivaled.
Now, my unexpected mission, is to ignite your own conviction, teach you to harness the energetics of courage, determination, deep desire and perseverance, and show you how to create a vision for your future which is so compelling and magnetic, it rewires your brain and becomes your unstoppable new identity.
My personal toolkit of practices and paradigm shifts are proven and they are powerful. And, after years of hearing people ask me … “how on earth did you do that?”, it’s time to share what I know.
strong, brave & completely unstoppable mentorship experience
This high touch intensive includes 1:1 Zoom calls with full support between appointments via Voxer along with personalized protocols, homework, meditations and access to my personal resources and toolkit.
There’s something that you really want to do but it looks impossible.
You feel undeniably called to be more than who you once were.
You want to build fierce mental and emotional resilience.
You want to possess unshakable, unbreakable self belief.
You’re ready to challenge what you think you’re capable of and what you believe is possible.
You want to become so connected to the dream you have for your life, that nothing will stop you from reaching it.
voxer coaching
Unlimited access to me via text or audio message.
Voxer is a real-time, walkie-talkie app (available on iPhone, Android and Desktop) that can send unlimited voice and text messages (plus files and pictures) back and forth.
Voxer Coaching is a private, secure and convenient way to access individualised coaching and support, get your questions answered, declare your goals, celebrate wins and make things happen while still doing life.
Unlike traditional 1:1 coaching appointments via Zoom at a specific time, Voxer Coaching is an open conversation throughout the day. So if something comes up … a challenge or a question, you have an ‘a ha moment’ or a success you want to share, or you need help, guidance or motivation … you can reach out immediately.
Unlimited Voxer access to me, any time of the day or night throughout the agreed coaching period. I am committed to responding to your messages as quickly as possible between Monday – Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-12pm Australian Central Time (ACT) Usually within an hour or two and occasionally within 24 hours. Vox me as much as you need, I’m here to help.
You’re in the process of great transformation eg in your health, relationships, career, personal identity or life and you need someone to help you maintain the level of strength, courage, determination, trust and vision required to go the distance. (This is my superpower)
You want ongoing support with a specific challenge from someone who has been through challenging times themselves. (I know exactly how it feels – I’m here for you.)
You want someone to bounce ideas off and hold you accountable for achieving your goals. (Nothing makes me happier than to see you succeed)
You want feedback from me about issues you’re facing and access to my own personal resources and wealth of experiences eg health protocols, diagnostic testing, meditation practices, mindset tools, self advocacy,
low tox living and building/creating a low tox house and MCS living related questions or questions about my IBD/UC reversal protocol etc (I’ve learned what I know via firsthand personal experience and through consulting with experts … ask me anything)
You prefer a more informal, flexible coaching format, that you can do on the go or when it suits your lifestyle or current circumstances. (Reach out whenever you need)

You can send me a Voxer message anytime during the day or night during the agreed coaching period. I respond to Voxer messages during Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturday 9am – 12pm Australian Central Time. I find this responds pretty well with most northern hemisphere countries eg 9am – 5pm my time is approx 3pm – 11pm US Pacific Time. If you have any concerns or questions email me amelia@ameliahill.com
Mentorship and Voxer Coaching are non refundable.
Please email me at amelia@ameliahill.com
No. The 2 week Voxer Coaching package runs for 14 days from the agreed start date.
I’m currently not available for 1:1 Zoom appointments. If you’d like to go on the waiting list for the STRONG, BRAVE & UNSTOPPABLE MENTORSHIP EXPERIENCE (which includes weekly/fortnightly Zoom calls, please contact me at amelia@ameliahill.com
If you’re reading this right now and wondering if you have what it takes to do something big or become someone great … I want you to know this.
You do.
I know from personal experience, that within all of us, including you, is a vast reservoir of untapped potential.
You’re stronger than you realise and braver than you know.
And one seemingly small step in the direction of that undeniable truth, will not only transform your trajectory in ways you can’t even imagine, but from this moment on, there will be nothing that you cannot do, be, achieve or overcome.