Whatever cross road you’re at or whatever pivotal decision or precipice that’s before you … if you’re weighing up your options based upon whether something appears easy or difficult … doable or in no way possible or, if someone else thinks you’ve got what it takes to succeed, you’re asking yourself the wrong questions.
The ONLY questions you must ask yourself … and the ONLY questions which have proven to me personally time and time again to be the most MOST reliable, most revealing and the most airtight self inquiry guaranteed to GENUINELY and TRULY boost your ability to actualise your potential and realise your most heartfelt dreams … are these TWO questions.
What is … MOST important to you … in this WHOLE world? (eg what is it that you REALLY want to experience and WHO is it, that you always hoped you would become?)
Now are you willing … WILLING to do … WHATEVER it takes … for as LONG as it takes … to see that, to have that, to HOLD that … to make it happen?
Never underestimate the power of RAZOR sharp clarity and never minimise the meaning and the value of the things which are most important you and the dreams you’ve held in your heart your entire life.
When you take a stripped back HONEST review of what sincerely inspires you and couple that with your own WILLINGNESS to do WHATEVER is required … whether that means step into uncertainty, sit in discomfort, learn hard lessons, risk looking like a fool or go where you haven’t gone before. Those two things together …. they create a force within you. A force that TRANSCENDS effort or ease, favourable odds or what other people say is possible. Because all of that is irrelevant.
What really matters, is that it matters to YOU and how badly you want it.
P.S This blog post is based upon an episode from my podcast DIG DEEP RISE HIGH …to listen to that episode CLICK HERE.