There will be moments when life will test you beyond anything you can imagine. You might have to face some incredibly tough decisions, unthinkable challenges and you might have to dig deeper than you ever have before. I know this, because I have lived it many times over.
Experiences like serious illness or other equally significant scenarios … change you. Nothing in your world ever looks the same again. When life requires more from you than you think you have … when you must climb over seemingly endless obstacles with no guarantee of victory … it can wear you down, even break you in two.
I have heard about the healing journeys of countless people from all over the Globe. Maybe I’ve been privileged to hear yours too? Some people I have known in person and others I have connected with via emails and phone calls, social media messages, online forums or just heard about on the grapevine.
These healing journey stories have taught me so much. But perhaps the most important and inspiring lesson is this… the desire for healing and restoration is an ALL POWERFUL FORCE. Yes indeed it is.
When you become acquainted with it, trust me … you cannot shake it. It’s relentless in it’s drive. It’s like the oxygen you breathe. It will keep you up at night. It’s like you’re on a personal quest to be free.
The desire to feel well and vibrant, healthy and whole, is like nothing else. There is no equal. It is an all powerful force which will keep you moving forward even when you see no progress. It will help you to get back up again each time you fall down. It will plant the precious seeds of hope and possibility in your heart and in your ear it will whisper you a lifeline … “don’t give up … don’t give up”.
Maybe you’re reading this in agreement. Maybe you’ve experienced your own game changing scenario and are all too familiar with the powerful feelings that have manifested inside of you as a result.
Well I say this to you, Great Soul. Listen up.
Lean into that feeling.
Lean in to it now.
Because it’s your inner fighting spirit. It’s your will to live, to overcome and to once again thrive.
Others may wonder what you’re doing. They may question what’s all the fuss. “Stop trying so hard” … “’Ease up on the road” … Or even suggest you “let it all go” because this whole thing has become an obsession or all just too much.
But they don’t understand your quest. They haven’t felt the powerful force inside your heart. Their dreams aren’t your dreams. What you want is to feel a wellness, a vitality a restoration so great there is absolutely no doubt in your mind.
So remember this powerful force, Great Soul. It’s yours and no one can take it from you.
It can move mountains.
It can transform your circumstances.
It can propel you forward towards your own healing and your heart’s greatest desires.