I’m not exactly sure what came over me. Earlier in the year, I signed up to an online dating website. Not to date. Obviously. I’m stuck at home with barely enough energy to eat my breakfast each day. But after working some new brain retraining and NLP techniques into my meditation and inner work healing protocol, I wanted to up my game in terms of self belief and future self visioning … and online dating seemed like the perfect way to do just that.
Let me explain.
Chronic illness can change the way you see yourself. Managing day to day symptoms and associated issues, it can become difficult to ascertain where you as a person begins and the illness ends. I believe that separating the two and reestablishing your own identity, is an essential part of true and lasting healing.
So my objective with the online dating website thing, was to just be myself. Well me, minus illness. Judged on my own merit not on my backstory. Anonymity would allow me to ‘role play’ my future self ideal and enable my mind to sync into how being just me would feel. Say Hi, make conversation and connect with others in ways that were not associated with my current circumstances or health status. Friendships born from that place would be a bonus I thought.
I met a few interesting people from all over the World. Intermittent chatting, curiosity and questions. Just lighthearted interaction but enjoyable and therapeutic nonetheless.
I must say, it felt really good to be viewed in a new light. It suddenly felt like a level playing field. Even liberating for a mo’.
My personality began to stretch its wings. And I was feeling hopeful that I could once again fly.
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a profile that caught my attention immediately. I was a little taken aback by its synergy with my own life mission and sentiments. I said “Hello” … a lively conversation soon followed. I wasn’t expecting to meet someone like this via my online experiment. But this was my kind of human. Potentially a great friend indeed.
After a few days, his inquiry turned to my personal story. I froze. I retreated. That night I sleep barely a wink.
Nothing I had written or shared was untruthful. I spoke from the heart and meant every word. I was me in every way I could be. But now the moment required I share more.
I knew exactly what I had to do. But I didn’t want to do it.
If I shared my identity, it would be a whole two seconds before everything was out there on the table. My personal journey through illness. The works. With a digital footprint revolving around this topic. Cover stories, media interviews and photographs etc … there was nowhere to hide.
Some people will never see me for who I am because they get stuck on appearances. I have experienced that before. So I was afraid, that if I shared my whole story with this person I had just met via the online dating website, that would be all they would see in me. And … I’d never hear from them again.
Did I mention, that I already knew exactly what I had to do but I didn’t want to do it?
It was with absolute clarity I knew, this was a life defining moment. Every person that enters our life provides us with opportunities to go to the next level of our personal evolution. They can be a mirror reflecting wounds that need healing, a catalyst for new realisations or a reminder to honour our boundaries or reaffirm the soul based contracts we have made with ourselves, especially those that serve as testaments of self respect and self love.
Part of me wanted to shrink back into mediocrity, play it safe. Couldn’t I just be someone else? But the timing of the Universe is always perfect. Each lesson, always divinely orchestrated.
I’m always telling others to be themselves. To not feel ashamed of what they’ve been through or what’s happened to them in life. So now I had to walk the walk. I had to be myself and trust that everything would be ok. I had to rise up and own my story.
More than one person has broken up with me due to my health status in the past. Many life long friends have disappeared into the distance too. I won’t sugar coat it. That stuff hurts. For the longest of times, I believed that no one would ever love me or want me in their life because of my health challenges or what I was going through.
I could hear the negative self talk sneaking into my brain cells …
“If you tell him, you’ll never hear from him again”
But the truth is, illness doesn’t make you any less loveable. It doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to be happy.
And as quickly as I heard the mean girl talk in my head reminding me of the heartbreaks of my past, I heard another side of the argument …
” Amelia, what kind of person do really you want to be? Well … this is your opportunity to be that person. Right now. You are not broken so don’t be afraid to be yourself. Be proud of how far you’ve come. Your authenticity and your willingness to back yourself will be the ultimate act of self love. ”
And you know what? I hadn’t come this far, to simply come this far.
During this healing journey of mine, I have proven to myself many times over that I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to not only heal from illness, but to grow through this whole experience as best as I can and be a better person because of it.
I have been through the toughest of circumstances, dug deep into the corners of my Soul and done the inner work required to merge with my true identity.
I have atoned wounds of the past. I have shared my story in the media and come up against all sorts of criticism and insensitivity in the process. I’ve lost friends and career paths, opportunities and life milestone moments all while trying to find just the right words to inspire others to find their own inner strength and courage. Because that’s important to me too.
You see, what I’ve learned, is who I am is much bigger than the circumstances of my life. Illness may be an obvious visual marker right now, but test results and symptoms don’t determine my value, worthiness or suitability as a friend or partner. My true identity does that. Because that’s what really matters. That will always shine brighter.
My ability to be present, kind, warm, funny, affectionate, see the inherent good in others and my desire to make a difference in this World is what’s most beautiful about me. I’m compassionate, loyal, honest, optimistic and relentless in my capacity to give and receive love …all these things are the real me too.
It’s taken me a long while to arrive at a place of self love and acceptance. And you know what? I have earned the right to be me. I’ve fought hard to be the person I am today.
So, I finally did what I knew I had to do all along. And as I typed the sentences that revealed all to that particular human being on the other end of the keyboard, I took a deep breath for I knew that it was a game changing moment for me.
But because I had chosen to back myself, own my story, love who I had become and trust in the Universe in spite of the heartbreaks of my past and the possibility of rejection in the present, I knew, that whatever happened, I would be ok.
My self love was intact.
My intrinsic value as a human being would remain unswayed by the approval or disapproval of others.
So I was happy that I undertook the online dating experiment, because it gave me a chance to see myself from a new perspective. And the brief collision with a total stranger? I was grateful for that too for it reminded me, I had no reason to fear being de-robed of anonymity, because I knew, that my true self and what beauty resides in my heart would always be visible to those who had the eyes to see it.
Amelia – amazing story, realizations and insight. I could so relate to almost everything you said.
You actually have more courage and self love than I do. Hopefully I can get to this point. You are inspiring me on that front. I have been dealing with this for 20 years so its tiring.
I have mcs as well as CFs and semi housebound but I can do some things. I do go out and do my own shopping.
Online dating is not easy. Even if you are physically healthy and can meet and date.
I tried it 13 years ago when more able to meet people in person. I have many stories to tell.
I did meet some men even willing to accomodate me. Chemical and scent wise. At least for initial dates or some dating.
Plus coincidentally met two men in the course of doing it that had milder mcs as well. But were able to work. One guy was a paramedic.
Also of course had to endure much rejection as most do anyway in online dating and issues delving into it. I did develop a tough shell. Not the same as old fashioned dating by seeing someone u are attracted to and talking 3d. Many do not tell the truth either with their profiles.
I never revealed everything right away, it was slow like peeling an onion. I took the best of me and presented that.
I like your last paragraph. As that is the Crux of it, it will be visible to those with the eyes to see it.
Keep trying it. I even know healthy women , where it took one person to meet someone after 7 years of online dating. Its actually difficult for most men and women to try. But popular of course now.
I do know of a woman as well in the states , not sure how it happened but she did meet someone and married. From online. She had severe mcs but was able to go outside with very careful measures. They even had to hire a special minister to be chemical and scent free. It might be rare but its nice to hear the odd story.
Keep delving into it as you are ready to and give yourself lots of credit for doing so.
Brave! Be yourself! You are very talented as a writer, take good care. From Canada. Kerry.
I LOVE that you took this healing step in your life. One day soon, someone else will see so many of us already know to be true–that you are beautiful in mind, body, and spirit. Xx
This inspiration is one of your best – reminding all of us not only to accept who we are ourselves, but to show it unashamedly to those around us.
How can anyone see us unless we show them?
Thank you Amelia, with all of my heart xXx
Well done!! May I asked what happened with the guy?? I met my love just over a year ago on eharmony. I mentioned I was healing must from an illness in my description. I think that put most people off. But it only takes one and he is brilliant. XXXX your soulmate is out there 😉
Well written Amelia. I am like Catherine – what happened, did the man change his attitude?