Here she is (ME) 6 months ago, sitting on the kitchen floor at 4:30am waiting for a remote consultation with an eye specialist in the US. (SEE VIDEO BELOW) No sleep and in so much pain. Every single day was inconceivably hard. The glue holding her right cornea together was failing. The odds in every way were against her and uncertainty lurked in every direction.
But she, with her defiant spirit kept showing up. Over and over again. Whether that meant crawling to the shower in agony one day or wiping away the tears while singing to Wilson Phillips in the dark at 4:30am. She didn’t have a solution or a way out of the suffering but she kept moving forward however she could and she chose to believe there was a light somewhere on the horizon even though she couldn’t see it yet.
I love this girl so much.
Her bravery.
Her determination.
Her refusal to accept defeat.
She has my total respect, my unwavering loyalty and my absolute awe. I will never doubt what she’s capable of ever again and I will never speak or think less of her from this moment on.
So if you want to heal your own shaky self worth once and for all … do what I did. Back yourself. Keep the promises you made yourself and no matter how bad it gets, don’t ever abandon yourself or allow yourself to give up on the biggest dreams you have for your life.

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