Today I wrote some of the best copy I’ve ever written.
As I was writing it – I knew it was good. When I had finished the last sentence – I felt incredibly proud.
Then as I went to copy and paste it across to my socials, I accidentally deleted it. Literally less than 5 seconds after my moment of glory, it was gone.
You should have seen my face.
“Nooooooo!!!” I screamed.
As I huffed and growled at myself and contemplated ways to soothe my pain, two choices appeared before.
I could either beat myself up about it for eternity, declaring a right royal stuff up on my behalf. Or, I could take that blank iPhone screen and write that brilliant copy all over again. A task I might add, I didn’t ‘feel’ like doing in the slightest and I questioned whether it was possible to even replicate it verbatim.
As I scanned my subconscious mind to locate any fragments of that original copy … I suddenly broke out in a smile.
The piece I had just written for my audience, was all about believing that there was no obstacle they couldn’t overcome. That despite their self doubt, they were more capable than they realised.
I knew then what I had to do.
As I started to type, the words began to flow. Many of the sentences where the exact ones I had written moments before but many were not … they were so much better.
Before long, I hit publish on that new piece of work (being super careful to save it twice before I did lol) and I was even more proud of myself than I was the first time.
So whatever seemingly disastrous moments you encounter today, before you dismiss them or succumb to any fury or self criticism, ask yourself the following questions.
Is this an opportunity for me to practise what I preach and embody what I believe?
Is this an invitation to master a part of myself which could be holding me back?
If you answered yes, my friend … then dive right in.