It's impossible to walk through fire and not be changed, but how you're changed, is determined by what meaning you assign to the flames.
When I was 14 years old, I got sick and was bed bound for 1 year. When all my teenage friends were having fun on weekends, I studied alternative healing, nutrition, mind-body medicine and learned how to meditate.
When my energy levels slowly returned, I finished high school and pursued my ambition of becoming a fashion designer and stylist. My health was never 100% but I honestly thought that my worst days were thankfully behind me.
But in my early thirties, those lingering chronic maladies became a full blown health crisis. I developed multiple, severe environmental illnesses which inflicted upon me, extremely disabling and sometimes life-threatening reactions. Within months, I was confined to an allergy-free ‘safe room’ custom made for me at my parent’s house. Stripped bare of furniture and belongings, my interaction with the outside world took place through the protection of a glass wall.
Due to my extensive environmental sensitivities, I regularly went without electricity, a phone, heating, cooling or taking showers and I remained in isolation for 6 years with a 2 year stint sleeping on the floor of a bathroom, which didn’t have a window I could see out of.
All the things that once gave my life meaning, comfort and joy slipped away … things like warm clothing and proper bedding, delicious food, treasured books, tender hugs, social interaction, friendships I thought would last forever and the childhood dreams I had for my future too.
I also underwent 5 dental surgeries at home in my kitchen because I was too unwell to go to a clinic, fought back from multiple corneal perforations in my right eye, healed myself from acute bowel disease without drugs or surgery, shared my story in the media to raise awareness for Environmental Illnesses, endured the passing of my closest confidant and primary carer, my beloved Mum and somehow along the way, designed a low chemical/low emf building that I’m very fortunate to now live in and call home.
Over and over again on this journey, I’ve been required to step up in ways I didn’t think I was capable of. Many of those times, I was overwhelmed with unrelenting self doubt and surrounded by paralysing uncertainty.
But through it all … the countless days of devastating defeat and treasured glimpses of hard earned triumph, I’ve learned so many ground breaking lessons and discovered within myself, an unstoppable conviction I never knew I had.
Now what I want you to know is this.
Your full and brilliant potential isn’t awarded to you under sun drenched skies at the finish line or in serene contemplation on the mountain top.
Greatness is awakened entirely from within you.
It’s uncovered right there in the eye of the most ferocious storm or when you’re elbow deep in the mud filled trenches alone. When you’re engulfed by indecision and the odds are stacked unfairly against you and you still decide to show up anyway.

Circumstances don’t decide what’s possible for you.
Fierce opposition, long odds … even the relentless voice of self doubt in your own mind cannot stop the quest of your spectacular Soul either.
How high you rise, is decided only by the depth of your determination, the unshakable clarity of your vision, the willingness you have to grow through whatever it is you’re going through and the courageous decision you make to keep reaching for your best self and the biggest dreams you have for your life no matter what.

Amelia knows firsthand that adversity, is a powerful catalyst for life changing growth and Dig Deep -Rise High, Soul transformation.
A one time stylist and fashion designer, Amelia’s life trajectory changed forever when chronic illness became a serious health crisis, rendering her bed bound and isolated in a single stripped back, allergy fee, ‘safe room’ struggling to move, breathe, talk and eat for many years.
Through this life altering experience, Amelia discovered a Brave New Perspective.
She now shares her story to inspire others to dig deep in response to difficulty, fire up their own courage, grow through whatever they’re going through and keep reaching for their best self, their biggest dreams and their inextinguishable potential for greatness no matter the circumstance or situation.
Amelia is the author of ‘YOU CAN & YOU WILL – 100 Belief Boosting Pep Talks To Get You From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be’ and host of the podcast, DIG DEEP RISE HIGH.
Amelia has written for publications such as Body & Soul Magazine, The Huffington Post, House & Garden and Real Living Magazine and her health journey has been featured in The Sydney Telegraph, The Herald Sun, Sunday Style and The Sunday Mail among others.
Amelia also designed her own low chemical, low emf ‘Healthy Home’, #AmazingHQ which she now lives in.
Described as a “true inspiration” and by South Australian Style Magazine as “someone to aspire to” … Amelia’s gutsy, “Amazing Amelia” determination, unstoppable optimism and insightful spin has captured the attention of people all over the Globe.
Amelia Hill Life in Lockdown – THE GRACE TALES
When Sick People Don’t Look Sick Enough, They Must Be Faking It – THE HUFFINGTON POST
Amelia Hill Reveals What It’s Like Being Allergic To The Twentieth Century – SUNDAY STYLE MAGAZINE
Amelia Hill Is A Prisoner In Her own Bedroom – SA WEEKEND MAGAZINE
Trapped In Her Room For Over 1000 Days – THE SUNDAY MAIL
Confined To One Room For 5 Years Amelia Tells Her Inspiring Story – THE HOLISTIC INGREDIENT
Inspiring Individuals Amazing Amelia Hill – MY GOODNESS ORGANICS