They might seem insignificant.
They might seem so second nature, so woven into your vernacular, that you don’t even give them another thought. But, leaping from your lips, ALL DAY LONG, are some seriously, FIERCE, weaponry.
Your WORDS, have POWER.
Your language. Your tone. Your intention BEHIND the words you choose, MATTER. They matter, A LOT.
On closer examination, there are often a few KEY SENTENCES we all fall back on. Used with such regularity in our everyday lives, that we no longer notice their presence.
Some will elevate your path.
Some will squash it before it’s even begun.
ALL will impact you on an EPIC scale & determine your destiny.
Personally, I had a heap. Many of my default sentences were rooted in negativity & hopelessness. Some seemed harmless and others, born from fact and logic … “If I scrapped those, I’d be lying to myself”, I scoffed. But, when I WISED UP, and faced my language patterns, I saw some key statements which needed the boot.
These top three just had to go. Can you relate with my findings? Maybe it’s time to wise up to some of your own?
I used to say this OFTEN. And if I wasn’t saying it, I was thinking it. If I could speak Portuguese, I would have probably be saying it in foreign tongue with fancy, over-the-top gesticulation too.
Urgent problems need solving. And with Environmental Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, that is almost a daily event. There were plenty of times that things didn’t go according to plan. Only thing was, I noticed that I would say this sentence even before I had given myself a chance to answer the question. I was so used to getting bombarded with tough dilemmas, I’d lost faith in the process. I ASSUMED I couldn’t figure it out.
‘I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do.’ Try repeating that over & over & see if you feel like a success story. Man, that’s a hefty statement. No sparks of inspiration can leap out from that baby …
Just because you may not see a way, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one. You don’t need to know all the answers before you make your next move. Ask for help, meditate on it, pray. BELIEVE you will somehow find a way. SOMEHOW you will know what to do. Everything is figuraoutable. Banish this habitual & completely faithless default statement & believe you have what it takes.
“I know what to do.”
“I can figure this out.”
What I have learned time & time again, is that human beings are ALWAYS stronger & more courageous than they realise.
You have a strength, a resilience and a mission that is GREATER than any obstacle you face.
Yes, you may be facing unimaginable pain, tragedy, grief, loss … but, when you focus your attention upon reasons why you CAN do it, why it WILL work out, why everything IS going to be ok, evidence to support a successful outcome will surround you and carry you through.
“I can & I will”
‘I will find a way. I will figure it out.’
Five little words that suck the potential & possibility right from your brilliant future.
To transform a situation, health crisis, a relationship, or even reinvent your entire life, takes a level of commitment on a scale that outweighs the ordinary. It’s just that simple.
To move from where you are to where you want to be, takes an ACT OF WILL. First, you must DECIDE to think it is possible. Then you must CHOOSE to entertain a new way to exist. And finally, and most importantly, YOU MUST ACT.
You may feel disheartened, you may feel like giving up, you may even feel like staying under the doona, playing small, sitting on the sidelines, keeping quiet, just settling where you are, because the path of least resistance looks way more appealing from your much-loved comfort-zone. But, a great dream, is ALWAYS worth the extra oomph. A great life, ALWAYS worth fighting for. Real brilliance comes from being an active participant in your own trajectory.
If ‘I don’t feel like it’ is dribbling from your your lips on a regular basis, it’s time for you to exercise a dynamic and trajectory altering ACT OF WILL. It’s time, to insert an act of conscious creation into your day. When you choose to think GREATER than the way you feel in the moment, you are steering your ship to the destination you REALLY want.
“The choices I make determine my destiny.”
“I choose to think greater than I feel in the moment.”
So now we know, that the words you choose can impact not only your day, but your entire life. So could it be time to wise up, observe your own negative default sentences & cut some of those shackles loose? Today, choose yourself some new & improved, power-packed lingo that not only elevates your path right now, but ensures you a bright future as well.