Well it’s official … I am a world traveller!
The undeniable fact that I haven’t actually ever left my home soil of Australia, doesn’t really matter. The stark reality that I’ve been confined to just one room for five years due to MCS, CFS, EHS… just a minor detail, right?
Truth is, I may not have travelled abroad to distant lands in person, but as part of my relentless journey to wellness, I’ve undertaken several diagnostic investigations O.S.
Parcels packed with samples of my blood, poop, pee & hair have crossed the pond many a time, without me (boo hoo), but on the upside, Passport free!
Organizing tests from a gazillion miles away, may feel a tad overwhelming. Tell me about it!
One test in particular, the MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION PROFILE (also known as ATP PROFILE) … a test put on the map by UK, CFS doctor, Dr Sarah Myhill, has attracted a LOT of interest from health seekers all over the Globe. But … sending blood samples all that way? I mean, where do you start? Well, Friends, you came to the right place!
One year ago, I undertook the Mitochondrial Function Profile, via Dr Myhill and just a few weeks ago, undertook another five tests available via Acumen Lab (DNA Adducts, Metallothionen, Lymphocyte Sensitivity, GST Profile & Toxic Effects on Metabolic Activity). So, to ‘PAY IT FORWARD‘, I decided to share a lil’ ‘HOW-TO GUIDE’ to getting it done (Just a mention that I’m not affiliated with either doctor in anyway).
Developed by Dr Myhill and colleague (and Acumen Lab owner), Dr John McLaren-Howard, the Mitochondrial Function Profile can provide further information regarding a patient’s Mitochondrial Function AND dysfunction. What’s the big deal about Mitochondria? Well, found in every cell in the human body, Mitochondria are known as the ‘powerhouse’ of each cell. It’s where the magic happens. The primary locale where energy production takes place. Studies reveal that many sufferers of chronic illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia etc may have some abnormalities or impairments there.
This test investigates several factors, including the rate of which ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate – a coenzyme that is often referred to as ‘The energy currency of life’) is recycled inside of cells, the efficiency with which ATP is made from ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate- a molecule that helps store & release energy in the body), the protein that transports ATP & ADP across the mitochondrial membrane and other essential energy metabolism supporting cofactors, like Coenzyme Q10, NAD (Functional Vitamin B3), l-carnitine, cell-free DNA & SODase. All this information may provide further insight into diagnosis and personalised treatment options for those with fatigue-related chronic health issues.
This specialized Mitochondrial test is virtually unheard of here in Australia. Some people question its validity & accuracy. I can only assume that similar tests ARE available in this country, (I haven’t located them though), however, the appeal of this profile developed by Myhill & McLaren-Howard, is the more tailored approach and individualized results offered.
Should you undertake this test? Well, that is up to you. Unsure of what it’s all about? I’d recommend that you do your own research, read some of Dr Myhill’s literature, visit online forums & ask others who have completed them. I’ve also seen many people post copies of their own results online for discussion. Try HERE, HERE ,HERE & HERE.
Of course, it is always a good idea to discuss these tests with your local doctor (don’t be surprised if they’ve never heard of them though). You could also provide your own doctor with information from the Dr Myhill website so they can investigate along with you.
This test is definitely not the be all and end all. It is not a quick fix. And, it is not cheap … 260 Pounds Sterling for the complete test, plus a further 110 Pounds for Dr Myhill’s letter. You will also need you add your International Courier charge on top of this as well. So depending on the current foreign exchange rate and courier costs, you could expect to pay around $AUS 600-1000.
Don’t do this test for any other reason other than you really want to and you believe it could assist you on your healing journey. I believe the more information we have about our health, the better. But, it IS a big financial investment and there’s always a chance it will not provide you with the answers you were hoping for. It’s your call.
Dr Myhill – Mitochondrial Function Profile
Dr Myhill – Mitochondrial Function Profile for Overseas Patients
Facebook – Myhill Australia Forum
Dr Myhill – CFS The Cental Cause of Mitochondrial Failure
Dr Myhill – CFS Book/ Diagnosis & Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Dr Charles Forsyth – Mitochondrial Tests
CFS Recovery is Possible – Medical Tests
ME/CFS WA – Press Release for Dr Sarah Myhill Tests
EI Resource – Dr Sarah Myhill Tests
I suggest you allow yourself plenty of time. DO your homework, THINK things through and READ this instructional post a few times over … even print it out and circle or highlight the points and tick off as you go. At the bottom of this post, I’ll do a recap as well. By the end of this blog post, you’ll be a Pro!
There are THREE IMPORTANT KEYS to remember… The ‘THREE P’s‘ as I like to call them… PREPARATION, POSTAGE & PACKAGING!
PREPARATION (plan your test request, blood draw, packaging, paperwork & courier WELL in advance)
POSTAGE (samples need to arrive as soon as possible to remain viable for testing)
PACKAGING (samples needs to be packed properly to avoid spoilage)
First up, the test itself. There are two ways to go about it. You can ORDER the tests via Dr Myhill’s website. There you can read further deets, order test kits, and pay for the test. Dr Myhill does not offer phone consults to overseas patients, but for an additional fee, Dr Myhill WILL provide a written letter for your local doctor & report explaining your results.
You can also order tests directly from Acumen Lab. This will need to be organized via an Australian Doctor. I know of only three Australian Doctors who are familiar with these tests, (but this may be changeable, so you will still have to make your own inquiries). If you know of other physicians, please leave a message in the comments section below to assist others. Thank you!
Dr Christabelle Yeoh
Invitation to Health
256 Henry Parry Drive
NSW 2250
(02) 4322 0700
Dr Bernadette McShane
Aspley Medical Centre
1311 Gympie Road
QLD 4034
(07) 3862 8811
Dr Braham Rabinov
Your Health Brighton
Suite B, Level 1
412 Bay Street
(03) 9596 0757
To order these tests via Dr Myhill’s website, email one of her assistants e.g caroline@doctormyhill.co.uk or office@doctormyhill.co.uk. I have found them helpful and prompt. Ask questions, they’re there to help. You will need to fill out a MEDICAL QUESTIONAIRE, and they will email you an online invoice that can be paid via a regular Australian credit card.
You will receive a test kit in the mail in around 7-10 days. This contains tubes for blood samples (Green, Purple & Gold lids), Test Request Forms, (and from memory, courier forms & postal satchels).
The Mitochondrial Function Profile contains several blood tests, including a test for CoEnzyme Q10/CoQ10 levels (CoQ10 is antioxidant found in the mitochondria). However, Acumen Lab does not have the facilities to test for this, so Dr Myhill uses BioLab for that one. If you’re sending your samples from Australia, this means you would need to send TWO SEPERATE PARCELS. One to Accumen Lab & one to BioLab. Two separate parcels means two separate courier bills. (Around $100-$150 each). To save money, I chose to arrange my CoQ10 test here in Australia via a private pathology lab. ( e.g HEALTHSCOPE, NUTRIPATH & others ) You could also ask your local GP doctor to arrange. I discussed my wishes with Dr Myhill’s assistant in advance, and they omitted this test from my Mitochondrial Function Profile and adjusted the cost accordingly (from 260 Pounds Sterling down to 225).
Just in case you need it, these are BioLab’s deets-
BioLab Medical Unit
The Stone House
9 Weymouth Street
London, WIW6DB
Of course you can absolutely go ahead and send two parcels. Just remember, if you chose to do what I did your CoQ10 result will not be included on your report from Dr Myhill. If you want it to be, you’ll have to send two parcels overseas.
A CoQ10 blood sample needs to be ‘spun’ after collection. This requires a machine called a Centrifuge. Not all labs have access to this machine. Check.
If you are housebound like me and will be having your blood draw at home, this blood sample (for CoQ10) will need to go back to the lab immediately to be spun first. This isn’t always possible. Check to see what is possible. This was another reason why I undertook my CoQ10 separate from my Mitochondrial Function Profile here in Australia.
If ordering your tests direct from Acumen Lab, you will need a TEST REQUEST form (see example below). This form lists all the tests available at Acumen Lab, the prices (in pounds Sterling) and the type/amount of blood sample required eg 3ml heparin.
Acumen Lab does NOT have a website, so you will need to email them directly with your inquiry, or speak to your local Australian doctor and ask them to do so on your behalf. They will invoice you directly when the test is completed. You can pay via an International Bank Transfer. They do NOT accept credit cards.
This is ACUMEN LAB’S NEW EMAIL ADDRESS– info@acumenlab.co.uk ATTENTION: Dr John McLaren-Howard. The phone number I have is 01398 332437. I have not verified this, or provided international area codes. You’ll need to explore this & time differences if you want to phone them direct. I found email was effective & pretty fast.
You need to locate someone who can do the blood draw for you. Ask your local doctor if they can arrange it or even do the draw at their clinic and you take the tubes of blood with you.
Otherwise, phone a pathology lab like Healthscope … I use Abbott Pathology (South Australia), there’s also, QML (Queensland). Most have one or more collection centres you can go to. Discuss with them the tests you are having, that your blood is going overseas, and that you will need your blood samples ‘to go’. A blood test you are organising on your own, is not subsidised and will attract a fee.
I hear some labs MAY be happy to organize the international courier/postage on your behalf.
I have also heard that some people in Australia have called up their local lab to organize a blood draw for this test, and the receptionist or blood technician has told them that it’s not possible to take blood and send overseas etc. Well, this is not correct. So if this happens, politely ask to speak with their Manager. Be persistent.
As I am currently housebound, I have found myself a pathology lab that offers a domacillary service and takes my blood samples in my bathroom (due to my current level of MCS, this technician also arrives fragrance free and changes into safe clothing I provide). A home visit blood draw for a non- subsidised blood test costs me around $36.
Make sure you are well hydrated. I consume around 3-4 glasses of water slowly in the 1.5 hours prior to my blood draw.
Some tests require you to fast for several hours before hand and others don’t. To be sure you’re covered, schedule your draw for first thing in the morning, fast from the night before, and stash a snack in your bag to have afterwards.
Collection labs are notorious for long queues and waiting times, so BOOK your blood draw at an appointed time. And make that time a MONDAY OR TUESDAY MORNING. Remember, you’re shipping your blood to the UK, and blood has a limited shelf life, so time is of the essence. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. So Monday or Tuesday morning, no compromises. You also need to book your international courier for the same day as your blood draw. More on that later.
If you order your kit from Dr Myhill, tubes are included. If you go direct, the blood technician/nurse will need to supply tubes. This doesn’t cost extra. Your test request form lists what type of tubes you need for each test. E.G heparin, clotted etc Discuss this with them PRIOR. There are a few different types of tubes (but they’re all standard practice here and in the UK)
Scan & email or fax your test request forms PRIOR to going in to be assured you and the lab technician are both on the same page.
I chose to go with FEDEX both times. Although I hear DHL is another possible option to investigate. Prices can vary so do some research. $100-150 is about the norm. I’ve heard others have been quoted much higher.
You have two options – either have a courier PICK UP your blood sample from your home or workplace etc, or you can TAKE IT yourself to the FedEx Depot at the airport. (Check your local listings for availability & addresses)
If you decide to have someone pick it up from you, you will have to phone and book this AHEAD of time. AT LEAST A FULL 24 HOURS PRIOR. I recommend you phone at least a couple of days ahead to be sure you don’t miss your required pick up time. FedEx have allocated pick up times for certain suburbs and if you leave it too late, you could miss your slotted time.
To get a quote from FedEx & an estimated arrival time in the UK, you will need the street address & post code for Acumen Lab (& BioLab if you’re doing a CoQ10 with them), not the PO Box & postcode included on their test request form. (See below for Acumen Street Address)
C/- Cameras Plus
17A Gold Street
EX16 6QB
Tell FedEx you need the sample to arrive AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 48 hours is what you ideally want. Last time I couldn’t get less than a 72 hour transit. I spoke with Dr McLaren-Howard from Acumen Lab, and he said if blood samples were packaged well, 72 hours is usually fine. (He tests samples on arrival to make sure they have survived the trip & are viable for testing) … mine were AOK. Yippee!!
Tell the FedEx operator that you’re sending a blood sample and it’s marked – ‘Non Infective Human Blood Sample for Medical Tests’. They will ask you the suburb & POST CODE of where the package is going. So have these deets handy – DEVON, EX16 6QB, UK. (See above for full address).
If you ordered the test kit via Dr Myhill website, they may include postal satchels & a commercial invoice (triplicate) and Wayfar bill from FedEx & DHL. Confirm with courier phone operator what forms you have and request courier bring these or extras &/or postage satchels with them just in case. You might need to fill out another one/different one.
If you are taking your sample to the FedEx airport depot yourself, you can download and fill in a COMMERCIAL INVOICE from the FEDEX website ahead of time (print up 3 COPIES in lieu of a regular triplicate form) But don’t worry, you can totally get a hold of these at the depot as well.
Arrange FedEx collection or drop off for the SAME DAY as your blood draw and make that day a MONDAY or TUESDAY. A viable blood sample doesn’t just last forever. Your goal is to ship your sample to the UK, ASAP!
If you are taking the blood samples to the airport depot yourself, allow enough time for packaging up your blood samples & for travel time to the depot etc.
If you decide to take your sample to the FedEx depot, you will not have to book this, but I would definitely recommend phoning anyhow to get a quote, arrival time, check the exact address of your local depot, the hours of operation, and what time the flights actually leave, so you can not only get there in time, but also have enough leeway to fill out any extra forms etc. Remember, let them know what you are sending – ‘Human Blood Sample for Medical Tests’ and that you need it there AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Blood samples need adequate packaging to survive a long haul flight and make it to the UK in a viable condition.
Did you know the temperature in an aeroplane baggage compartment can drop to way below Arctic temps? Well apparently so. It’s one massive freezer up in the sky! FYI If your blood samples freeze, they are ruined. Don’t worry, your ‘PACKAGING HOW-TO GUIDE’ is up next!
• Moisture absorber (available from medical supplier or blood nurse/clinic (comes in kit) OR a piece or two of plain kitchen paper towel (I used this just fine)
• Bubble wrap (a couple of small pieces to wrap tubes)
• Zip lock bag (like a ‘Glad’ zip bag) or a medical biohazard bag … which is basically a regular zip-lock bag with a fancy ‘biohazard’ warning logo on it (I used a small one & a large one)
• Aluminium Foil (a couple of sheets used to insulate. I used the ‘heavy duty’ variety)
• Polystyrene sheets/off cuts (you need to use this to insulate your samples. You can re-use some packaging off-cuts that you find inside appliance boxes etc…. Around 2cm thick is ideal (see photos).
• Sticky tape/packing tape
• Paper & Pen/marker (to write address on package)
Make sure your name & date is on each tube of blood.
If moisture absorber is in test kit, use that or ask the blood technician for one. Or just use some clean paper towel wrapped around tubes. Don’t use sticky/cello tape.
Pop this package into a small zip lock bag or ‘Biohazard Bag’, squeeze out the air & seal.
Then wrap bubble wrap around this.
Then wrap this with two sheets of aluminum foil. Take care and wrap it well.
Now it’s time to get creative! Construct a box around your aluminium foil package using polystyrene foam. Cut your offcuts to form a protective, four-sided enclosure. Keep the walls snug and compact. This stage can be a bit fiddly. Sometimes it helps to have en extra pair of hands. Relegate a Pal to assist! Carving up polystyrene foam can be messy (& problematic for respiratory sensitive, Peeps) so work outside and/or wear a mask if need be.
Pop your test request form inside & use sticky tape to seal your box well.
Write out the mail address clearly on a piece of white paper using easy to read pen or marker. Stick this to one side of your parcel. If sending to Acumen Lab, you MUST use their STREET ADDRESS & NOT their PO BOX.
C/- Cameras Plus
17A Gold Street
EX16 6QB
You also need to attach another piece of paper with the words – ‘NON INFECTIVE HUMAN BLOOD SAMPLE FOR MEDICAL TESTS.’ (I know it sounds a bit weird & even a little icky… But this info will ensure a faster transit!)
You can add another larger ziplock bag at this stage if desired.
Keep your samples BEFORE & AFTER packing them at ROOM TEMPERATURE. They must NOT go in the fridge or freezer or be kept in a hot car or in direct sunshine.
If you have your Commercial Invoice & Way Bill, fill these out. These must include Acumen Steet address, NOT P.O ADDRESS.
Where appropriate on the forms, add ‘NON COMMERCIAL VALUE EXEMPT HUMAN SPECIMEN’
Value of contents = $1
Tick ‘Bill Shipper’ ( to avoid delays in customs)
Your FedEX courier or depot assistant will put your package inside an International Postage Satchel and put the Commercial Innvoice & Way Bill in the external pocket.
That’s it! Say adios to your blood samples and wish it well on its overseas adventure!
You will receive your test results via email in 2-6weeks (via Dr Myhill can take longer)
• Order test via Dr Myhill Website OR direct to Acumen Lab via an Australian doctor.
• Gather together all your packaging bits & bobs.
• Organise your blood draw in advance – book an early morning appointment on a Monday or Tuesday. Discuss/email your test details with person/lab taking your blood sample in advance.
• Phone FedEx prior to your blood draw appointment. (At least a full 24 hours before, 2 days ideal)
• Confirm your paperwork needs & 48-72 max shipping time.
• Arrange FedEx courier pick up for Monday or Tuesday lunch time or slightly thereafter. OR plan for drop off at depot. (Same day as your blood draw)
• Keep blood samples at room temperature & package/insulate well.
• Place Test Request Form inside your polystyrene box.
• On the outside of your polystyrene box put the Steet address to Accumen Lab & mark as ‘Non Infective Human Blood Sample for Medical Tests.’
• Commercial Invoice & Wayer Bill go on the outstde of FedEx Postage Satchel. Where prompted on these forms, write street address, ‘Exempt Human Specimen’ Bill Shipper, Value of Contents $1.
Allow enough time to get your blood sample taken, take your blood sample back home or work, and to package it up correctly. ALSO MAKE SURE you are there and waiting for the courier. If you are not, they will not wait around for you and they will leave. Yes, I’ve learned that lesson the hard way!
If you take your sample to the depot, make sure it’s there in time for the flight to the UK. Allow enough time for personal travel and standing in line at the depot and possibly filling out an extra form or postage satchel.
Remind them at the depot that this is a human blood specimen and needs to get to the UK as SOON AS POSSIBLE. And, to please keep sample AT ROOM TEMPERATURE.
There you have it! I hope that you have not only found this information, but that my first-hand experience has given you the confidence you needed. Yes, you CAN do it!
If you know anyone who may benefit from this Blog Post, please spread the love using the SHARE BUTTONS below. PLUS, if you yourself have your own tips for sending samples overseas, please share them in the comments below. Sometimes it can feel terribly overwhelming trying to navigate these things on you own, so lend a hand if you can and PAY IT FORWARD too!
PS- I know you’re probably wondering about my results? Well, in a nutshell, the Mitochondrial Function Profile provided me with SOME helpful feedback on Mitochondrial function as well as revealing a VERY significant Coenzyme Q10 deficiency. Whereas the DNA Adducts Test, gave me the real confirmation I was seeking RE: past exposure & injury from pesticides (likely termite treatment exposure in my teens. The initial onset of my illness began after my family moved into a house which had been recently treated for termites. In particular under the bedroom I was sleeping in).
DNA Adducts in scientific experiments are used as biomarkers of exposure and are measured to show the amount of carcinogen/toxicant exposure to subject organism (IE me the human). My results proving existence of chemicals like A dichlorophenol (herbicide/phenolic chemical), Fibronol (phenylpyrazole insecticide) & Methoxy carbonyl-2-PO4 (metabolite of an organophosphate from herbicide or insecticide) are in fact ATTACHED to my DNA causing probable mutation & inefficient expression. The specific genes affected are also listed in the test (one gene being an Histamine/Allergy/Asthma related gene).
The Lymphocyte Sensitivity Test mirrored a similar result, revealing a very significant immune response to the dangerous toxicants listed above as well as some others.
As I said earlier, these tests are by no means a quick fix solution to any chronic illness scenario. But I am glad I undertook these investigations and I plan to learn what I can from these findings and apply that wisdom to my healing journey as I move forward. You can count on that.
“Acumen Lab is currently oversubscribed with tests and therefore may not be able to accept new requests at this time. We can also ONLY accept requests from doctors who already use us and we are having to restrict to s maximum agreed number of tests. Acumen is s medical -referral -only lab.”
“Due to Dr Myhill’s extremely heavy workload, the following policies will apply as of July 1st, 2015”
1. Patients who have had a face-to-face or telephone consultation with Dr Myhill may order any test they wish and have an interpretation of such as long as they’ve had an appointment or regular
contact within the last 3 years.
2. ‘Correspondence only’ patients (i.e. those who have never spoken with her at a consultation) may only order repeat tests or a test that has been recommended in a letter from Doctor Myhill and
have an interpretation of such – no other tests sorry.
3. All test requests from non-patients are currently suspended.
Thanks for this extremely detailed post Amelia!
Another Doctor who is familiar with these tests is Dr. Michelle Woolhouse, Peninsula Holistic General Practice, 37 Boneo Road, Rosebud VIC 3929.
I’ll post some tips on sending from Tasmania soon, its a little different because we don’t have Fedex here and they outsource to another company to ship to a Fedex depot on the mainland, which is slow and doesn’t allow you to get your samples to the UK within 72 hours.
Hi Olivia!
I know it’s SUCH a LONG blog post, but I guess I just wanted to share as much info as I could!
Thanks so much for recommendeding Dr Woolhouse.. It’s so helpful to know of anyone who understands these specialised tests.
That’s very interesting about FedEx & Tasmania- I look forward to learning about your personal experiences there.
Take care & thanks again!
Hi Amelia,
I finally got around to posting tips for shipping from Tasmania!
The main issue with shipping from Tas is the transit time (over 100 hours) and having no FedEx Depot. I rang FedEx a number of times but always got different information about what forms I needed to fill out and transit times. The best estimate they could give me was if my parcel was collected Monday, it would be delivered by close of business Friday, as long as there were no customs delays. I was also told it might not get delivered until the following Tuesday or Wednesday.
FedEx outsource to StarTrack couriers in Tasmania and I was told it could take a few days just to reach the Fedex Depot in Sydney. The only option I had to get it there sooner, other than flying the samples to Sydney myself, was to use StarTracks ‘Next Flight’ service, with prices starting at around $300.
I emailed Acumen about the estimated transit time and this was their response “transit time of 5 days can put the samples at risk for some tests. Usually we can still do the tests and we always do preliminary tests first to ensure that the samples are OK before committing to the requested tests.”
I contacted my local Pathology lab and as they couldn’t arrange a courier on my behalf, I decided just to have the samples collected by StarTrack/FedEx.
Before you arrange the blood draw and courier, you will need to contact FedEx and get them to send you an International Air Waybill and a Waybill Pouch. I also requested a Clinical Pak which is a plastic satchel you can place your sealed and boxed blood samples in, they will send you these for free. I followed the guide on the FedEx website for shipping clinical samples. You will also need to download and print out a Commercial Invoice, you will need to place 3 copies behind the Air Waybill. I got conflicting information about whether or not I also needed a Declaration of Biological Shipments, so I included it just in case. This also gets placed behind the Air Waybill.
I contacted my local Pathology and explained what I needed, they suggested I come in to discuss it further, which I did and they were happy to take the samples. I was ordering the tests direct through Acumen so didn’t have a test kit, only the Acumen Test Request form.
You will need to call FedEx to organise a collection for a Monday, you can only do this from the Friday prior to collection. FedEx will organise the pickup with StarTrack. They will email you a consignment note and manifest report which you will need to print out for the StarTrack driver, this is in addition to the FedEx Air Waybill that should be placed in the pouch attached to the front of your package. If you call StarTrack they can give you an estimate for the pickup time in your area, for me it was around 1pm. I had pre booked the blood draw with the lab for earlier that morning.
After getting my samples taken, I took them home to package them. The courier arrived at 1:20pm Monday, the samples didn’t leave Sydney until Wednesday evening and arrived at the Lab on Friday. Total transit time was 107 hours. Luckily my samples were ok!
Hope that helps!
Hi Amelia
Thank you for posting this up. It really is paying it forward as it will help so many. I’ll link to this under the ‘MCS Resources’ tab of my blog when I can…
Now! I have also found another use for foil, which is amazing because I thought i knew them all. 🙂
I’m about to be tested for MTHFR: http://www.mthfrsupport.com.au/condition/allergies/ I’ve found b12 shots to be exceedingly helpful with how tired i feel. My GP didn’t know why this test may be helpful but once I explained it to her, she organised for me to have it. It attracts an $85 fee.
Thanks again, talks soon
Hi Mish,
Thanks for your feedback & for your offer to include a link to my blog post on your website – so kind of you!
That’s great to hear about your improvements due to Vit B12 shots.. Are you self administering? Or doc doing?
What dose/frequency are you doing?
MTHFR- yes, has that done a few years back. Glad you were able to enlighten your GP to the benefits. You can go though a private Path Lab as well for this one.
Yes, foil! I can see the next book title now, Mish. … ‘101 ways to transform your world w foil’ !!
A x
Hi Amelia
Thanks so much for this brilliant post – as soon as Dr Christabelle recommended these tests to me, she sent me the post link, and I’m so glad she did. Being exhausted and brain fogged is bad enough without having to navigate tricky test processes like this one.
Thought I’d add information on my experience; I hope this is helpful to someone.
Douglass Hanly Moir were surprised that there was no official ‘request form’, particularly given I showed up with a homemade box; they thought it looked a bit dodgy! So they asked me to get Dr Christabelle to write a request on her letterhead paper. They suggested the text below, which I emailed to the doctor, and she copied and pasted into letterhead and sent back to me.
“Dear DHM staff
Please perform blood collection for my patient Janice Foster, as per the Acumen lab form she has provided.
Janice should be given the specimens to take with her, as she is arranging international transport.
Dr Christabelle Yeoh”
a) FedEx was the only company who would accept my order; a DHL rep told me “no one” is able to transport blood legally, although they later clarified that they would transport blood for customers with long term “medically related” accounts. I’ve had this problem with them in the past, too, with other biological substances (ie dust sample that may have included mould spores)
b) It seems that if you are on the Aussie east coast, there’s no way to get the blood to the Acumen lab sooner than 72 hours, as once it arrives in the UK, it usually spends a day in Customs.
To ensure the blood was as ‘fresh’ as possible, I started fasting at 2am the morning of the test (easy for an insomniac!), so that the blood could be taken at 2pm. I then personally delivered it to a FedEx depot in Sydney, just before the cut off period of 5pm, but even so, it took around 80 hours to be delivered.
But don’t panic – it was still viable!
From memory, I think the Fedex fee was $97.00
It looks like the process has changed; Acumen don’t currently email test results; they post hardcopies directly to your doctor. They also post you a hardcopy bill. It can take a coupla weeks to arrive.
I was SO confused by the bill – it lists the payment options as “cheques, postal orders and electronic payment”. The details for electronic payment didn’t include a BSB, so I didn’t know what form of electronic payment I referred to.
I Googled ‘international payment transfer’ and ‘international money order’, and both pointed me to Australia Post. Aust Post staff told me they could arrange a deposit of the funds into a Western Union bank account, and Acumen would have to physically go into a Western Union office to collect it, which didn’t sound like what I was looking for.
In the end I went to my bank (Commonwealth), and showed them the bill, and they immediately recognised what it was asking for – an international bank transfer (as mentioned by Amelia). It’s a bit trickier than a normal bank transfer, due to the different numbers and terms used (ie no BSB), so they offered to do it for me for $30, or walk me through how to do it via my internet banking, for $25. I chose the latter option, and they let me log onto my internet banking via one of their computers, and talked me through it. Phew!
By the way, my bill for ATP profile, DNA adducts, L Sens, Zinc and MT, and Toxic Effect was 400 pounds, which ended up being $855.43AUD.
Now’s the easy part – just waiting for my next doctor’s appointment, to get my results. Wish me luck!
Hi Janice!
Thanks SO much for sharing your experiences & including all of your very helpful info. I’m so glad Dr Christabelle shared my blog post link with you. These things can be tricky to figure out- that I know first hand! And another thing is that all states are a little different I think so it’s so great to have people like yourself share what you encountered – thank you!
In regards to the International Bank Transfer- I had tham talk me through it over the phone- I’m really surprised they charged you for the help? Not cool!
Good luck with your results – hope they’re helpful for your healing journey.
Best to you x
Can you please advise if this is still current information as I was advised by one of the listed practitioners it was no longer available from Australia? Thanks kindly.,
Hi Kim,
Thanks for your inquiry.
Did you read the UPDATE that I recently added underneath this blog post?
The owner of Acumen Lab told me that they were currently overloaded with test requests and therefore may not be able to fulfil all submissions.
He also told me that he definitely was only accepting test requests from a few Australians doctors -eg the ones listed in my blog post. But, if you tried via one of these doctors and they said the test was unavailable, I’m not sure what to tell you?
Maybe this is a temporary delay due the current backlog at Acumem? Maybe retry in a while?
Or you could try contacting Acumen direct & politely asking when they will be accepting requests again?
I got the impression they were really overrun at the moment, so I’m assuming it’s to do with that.
I can imagine you are keen to undertake these tests, and the delays are frustrating, but let’s hope in the near future it will be possible.
Do you mind me asking what doctor you tried here in oz?
Hi Amelia,
Have you tried 23 and me? They do saliva DNA tests, and have answered a lot of my medical problems.
At the end of 2014 by body completely feel apart, I couldn’t get out of bed, and for about 7 months all I could eat was butter beans, mashed sweet potato and a tiny bit of fried spinach (YUMMY!!! haha) Anyway, earlier in the year a friend of a friend had the test done through 23 and me after being sick for 15 years. So they suggested I get it done too to see if it came up with anything.
There is a gene called MTHFR and it was found through the test that mine doesn’t work properly, meaning I don’t Methylate properly, and my body can’t detox normally. Which is why since I was a kid I have had weird illnesses on and off that nobody could explain. It also means that the body can’t hold on to B vitamins. My naturopath put me on a good more natural tablet that has slowly assisted my body in methylating again, and the difference is pretty good!! For the first time in my 30 years my body is able to get rid itself of the toxins that have built up. (My dad was a truckie in NZ and carted pestisides, which we were exposed to when he came home from work).
So, I guess the point of my rambling is too tell you about the MTHFR gene, if you haven’t come across it already. My doctor said there is now a test available just for that gene in Australian labs.
I had been debating whether to write something or not for awhile; I know what it is like to be unwell and have people suggesting everything and anything to try!! But, I guess I also know, from my experience, that sometimes the best info can come from nowhere, so thought it wouldn’t do any harm to write. Maybe it could help you, or someone else who reads this.
I hope this year is much nicer easier on you, and your health starts coming better in leaps and bounds.
Mallory xx
Hi Mallory,
Thank you so much fir tabun get the time to write to me. I really appreciate it. I do believe we can help each other so much when we share our personal experiences. Especially with complex illness!
I actually had the basic MTHFR test done here in Australia several years ago now. Through my GP. I have one mutation.
I also had the 23&Me tests done about 12 months ago too.
I’m so glad you found these tests were helpful for you. Sometimes it feels like there are so many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to find, but with dedication & persistence the answers can be found.
That’s great that you are working with a naturopath who can help you with the right supplements to support methylation. Unfortunately I have trouble tolerating any supplements or foods at all, plus anything I can take is on strict rotation. So that’s made it difficult for me to support these internal processes for optimum healing. But saying that, I am still doing whatever I can & am making a little bit of progress which is wonderful.
Thanks again for thinking of me & sharing your experiences & you are so right.. sometimes the best information can come out of nowhere & isn’t that fantastic when that happens?
All the very best to you on your healing journey!
A x
That is all very interesting I wish I had known about this sooner. If the 2 labs you mention have suspended their service to new patients can you recommend any other way I can have these dna tests done,
Hi Susan,
My apologies for the late reply.
Where abouts do you live?
Hi Amelia, thanks for your blog! I know things may have changed since all the comments were made in 2015/16, but they are still somewhat helpful. I have an 18 yr old daughter struck down by CFS, POTS and most likely CIRS. We know for sure that she also reacts to VOCs and other chemicals. And your diagnosis of MCS rings a bell. Will follow it up with our Dr in Sydney: Dr Mark Donohoe. Highly recommend him. He is well versed in the Shoemaker Protocol and my daughter is very likely to have CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrom). But I would be very interested to hear from you or others who have MCS. Have you found ways to improve it? We are currently trying to reduce exposure to VOCs, which is hard in a reasonably ‘new’ house (4 years since the renos), we also have a protocol of supplements derived from Dr Myhill’s protocol and try to gently detox her, as her liver is clearly stressed. But, similar to what Mallory writes, detoxing doesn’t seem to work. I just looked into ’23 and me’, but they appear to only offer ancestry DNA reports for overseas patients. Must find a way to get the MTHFR tested. Any other suggestions what we could get tested? We are still searching, as the logical approach to detoxing her doesn’t work well. She tends to get better for a short while, when we introduce something, then falls back and overall is worse than a year ago. Like you, she is permanently at home, in bed actually. Hope you have found a way out of your disease! Best of luck! Andrea